The Intersectoral Agreement in the field of prevention of early school leaving in Knjazevac has been signed by the following 11 institutions:
- Municipality of Knjazevac
- Elementary School Vuk Karadzic
- Elementary School Dimitrije Todorovic Kaplar
- Elementary School Dubrava
- Preschool institution Bajka Knjazevac
- Center for social work Knjazevac
- Health center Knjazevac
- Center for Creative Development Knjazevac
- Association GENIUS Knjazevac
- Western Balkans Institute Belgrade
- Agroinvest Foundation Serbia Belgrade
The Agreement envisages the establishment of strong intersectoral partnership of local stakeholders, aimed at prevention of early school leaving. This should be achieved through the following 3 mechanisms:
- intersectoral meetings – periodical meeting of professional staff from different sectors and systems working with children in order to discuss intersectoral issues in everyday practice.
- TUTORING program – program of individual work of tutors with children in risk from dropping out from school
- Early school Leaving Early Warning Mechanism – to be implemented by schools in order to monitor the risk in children
Within the first year of implementation of the Agreement, all 3 mechanisms will be piloted, and results will be presented in September 2017.
Intersectoral cooperation will be managed by the Municipality of Knjazevac and WEBIN and AFS will provide for technical support in implementation.
The agreement was signed in the framework of the project “Pre- and elementary schooling of Roma – fostering opportunities for greater attainment and reduction of early school leaving (RECI)” funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of partners: lead by the World Vision Austria, Agroinvest Foundation Serbia, Western Balkans Institute WEBIN, Teacher Training College ‘’Mihailo Pavlov’’ Vrsac and Cultural-information Centre Pralipe from Pirot with the support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy.
For more information please contact Mr. Djordje Radoicic at djordje.radoicic(at)